The Tech Stack That Runs My Business

I’ve always been curious and open to new technology. Flashback to 1982 when my grandfather, who was in his 80s, introduced me to his new computer. 

It was a Kaypro II and took up the entire desk. My grandfather’s excitement was contagious, and I was captivated. It was basically a fancy calculator.

How amazed do you think our grandparents would be by the computing power we hold in our hands today? 

With the opening of PractiSage Spaces, the growing directory, monthly guest experts, unique networking events, and more – the need to automate the behind-the-scenes tasks of my business has never been more crucial.

The truth is, I am the most valuable asset in my business, and that’s not being arrogant or egotistical. The same applies to you!

You are your most valuable business asset. No one can replace you.

As business owners and therapists, it’s our responsibility to free up as much time, energy, and space as possible to stay focused on what we do best. 

Your tech stack is one pathway to make that freedom happen

Thankfully, we have moved beyond fancy calculators and have an unimaginable amount of technology at our fingertips. 

What’s a Tech Stack?

Your tech stack is the collection of tech tools you use to run, automate, and organize processes in your business. The hope is that your tools work together or ‘stack up’ seamlessly.  

Why is your Tech Stack so important? 

The automation and organization that come with a solid tech stack can improve your client experience, free up time and energy for you to work on your business, and ensure that you keep track of all the moving parts in your private practice. 

I want to share with you the tech tools that have made my work easier, and faster, and more enjoyable. 


1) For Community Building + Hosting Events ➡️

Heartbeat is the all-in-one community platform that helps me host community workshops, foster community within the PractiSage Collective, coordinate events, and curate in-depth discussions with fellow therapists. 

See it in action -> Take a tour of the PractiSage Community on Heartbeat 

2) For Project Management ➡️ Asana

This is my go-to tool for project management and coordination of essential tasks with my team. I’m discovering new features every day! 

3) Note-Taking at Meetings ➡️ Fathom AI  

This app* allows me to be present and creative during my meetings, as opposed to trying to catch every word. The software keeps track of discussion points and sends a detailed summary of topics and tasks at the end of the meeting.  

4) For Asynchronous Communication ➡️ Loom

Loom allows me to record and send personalized videos to my team, PractiSage Members, and more. I love the ability to convey my facial expressions, tone, and personality during these videos so that the relationship stays solid even if we are communicating asynchronously. 

5) For Social Media Marketing ➡️ Buffer

Buffer allows me to share my social media content across multiple platforms. It literally saves me hours compared to if I had to do it manually. It helps me expand my reach and foster more connections with my colleagues and audience. 

Sage Advice: Remember, if you’ll be using tech to collect or organize therapy clients' data, you’ll want to ensure that it’s HIPAA-compliant and follows confidentiality requirements for your professional license.  

Whether you’re longing for the days of less connected times or you’re an early adopter of new innovations, how you integrate technology into your business impacts your clients’ experience and the path of your business. 

As a self-proclaimed tech lover who still remembers when it was “high tech” to write college papers on a word processor, I can relate to both experiences. 

If you want recommendations for any tech that could support your business, I am just an email away.  

I’d love to hear: How do you feel about using tech in your business? Do you love it? Hate it? Somewhere in-between? 

I’m all ears. 

Let me just find my Walkman first. 

Aside from offering options for your office space, we also offer a supportive community to help you grow your career and a virtual mailbox service for your private practice.


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